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Boost your work out goals

by Umami Tea January 11, 2016


Have you made a commitment to get in shape, tone up or drop a couple of pounds?  Our selection of Oolong and Pu-erh teas are the perfect addition to your work out goals.

Oolong tea (aka wulong) and pu-erh teas are healthy varieties produced from the Camellia sinensis plant. Research suggests that both teas are packed with antioxidants, elevate metabolism and possess powerful fat-burning effects. Consuming at least 16 ounces daily of Umami Teas combined with moderate calorie restriction and exercise, may help you fight belly fat and increase your overall shape up goals. Loose leaf oolong teas are an instant favorite with its sweet aroma and distinctive full-bodied flavor.  While Pu-erh tea is known for its earthy aroma and distinguishing flavors.

Speed up your metabolism with “Lemony Split Pu-erh” or “Lemon Basil Refresh; break down some body fat with “Se Chung Oolong or Birds Nest Pu-erh.” Regardless of your mission, our selection of beverages tastes great and are excellent choices for your overall well being.

Umami Tea
Umami Tea


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